Friday, February 10, 2006

Good Story on the Influence of Blogs

Tim Little over at Bluemassgroup directed me to this article on the influence of blogs and other netroots paraphernalia.

To sum it up: the article says that Liberal/Progressive blogs may be to the 2006 campaign what talk radio was to the 1994 campaign. Blogs are egalitarian and transparent and thus reflect the best instincts of both Liberalism and democracy.

I agree and to add one of my own preoccupations to this analysis: blogs operate on an evolutionary principle. The evolutionary competition that blogs must survive makes them inherently "fit" to influence opinion and advance ideas. Blogs have virtualy no entry costs (anyone can start one) and must exist in a crowded environment (not only the Interent but all the other sources of media info and entertainment); so anyone can get in the competition but only a few will ever be influential. Those that persist and succeed have had to occupy a niche and fullfil a need better than all the others. This process lends itself to moving forward with only the most well articulated and coherent ideas.

Sounds like the ideal way to craft a campaign message.


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